Monday, February 9, 2015

New SEM Partner Announcement

Great News!

Socially Yours has partnered with the Global On-line marketing Agency Reachlocal.

We are now able offer local businesses Digital Branding and Paid Search Solutions, with the most Advanced ROI technology to manage campaigns. Reachlocal is the most experienced in the on-line space (started in 2004)  and has the best reporting for digital advertising. They are Google’s Only Global Partner and  ReachLocal was awarded the “2013 North American Premier SMB Partner Award-Best Quality Accounts”. Their campaigns got BEST quality scores- resulting in a lower CPC .


They have a 24 hour live chat program for your website that starts at only $99 per month, and can increase your website leads by 30%.

They do advanced PPC ( Google adwords) using algorithm software,  But are publisher agnostic, meaning they bid on all search engines to diversify your budgets you more leads and exposure. PPC campaigns start at $500 monthly budgets.

They also do a variation of Banner ad (display) buys.. From General GEO targeted branding campaigns, to Site retargeting campaigns (banner ads follow your web visitors) and Search Retargeting campaigns (banner ads appear to consumers who have searched keywords pertaining to your business).

All Leads are tracked, so you know if it’s working. And All Data is used from the reporting to make your campaigns better EVERYDAY.

Kelly Decollibus-Fillion Is the Local Rep here in New England! She has an account manager
Gina Consalvo-Eynon, who has worked belong side her for the last 6 years.
Kelly has been with Reachlocal over 7 years, and is Google certified, Local, A Senior Top Rep ,and has run hundreds of campaigns.

Contracts start at 4 months durations  (You do not need to commit for a year) and It is month to month- cancel anytime with a 30 day notice.

They also have free month promos often, that new clients can take advantage of!

More Info Below on Programs Offered-

Why ReachLocal? ReachLocal has run over a million campaigns.  The average ReachLocal search campaign collects between 1 million and 1.5 million data points a month.  This is a phenomenal amount of data that has accrued over time.  The reason we are able to run so many campaigns successfully is our automated software.  This gives ReachLocal the ability to scale no matter how many campaigns we are running.   If we did not have the software we have, we would not be able to grow at the exponential rates we have seen domestically andinternationally over the past 10 years.  As of January 2014, Google honored ReachLocal with North American Premier SMB Partner Award for “Best Quality Accounts”

ReachLocal’s Automated software vs. Manual Adwords—ReachLocal is providing an automated software solution that is based around conversions (phone calls, emails, form submissions), not just clicks.  Our software is fully automated to dynamically adjust without the influence of a human,   we have people, including myself, that are able to analyze what our automated software is doing as a reflection of the market and users.  Our software will dynamically adjust your budget to the words and publishers (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, AOL) that are getting you the most amount of leads for the lowest possible cost, thus driving down your cost per new client acquisition and maximizing your marketing investment.

Running a daily budget vs. a monthly budget – When you are using Google Adwords the only option you have is to run a daily budget.  What happens if your budget gets used up on a particular day? … Your ad stops showing.  ReachLocal uses a monthly budget.  This gives us the ability to spend more money on some days and less money on other days based on the total search traffic out there.  Our cycles are designed to spend during an approximate 30 day time period.  If they do not spend in that time frame then it will take longer to spend.  We are not looking to spend your budget as quickly as possible -- we want to use your budget as strategically as possible to generate phone calls and in turn, customers.

Customized Budgets: Due to the large amount of historical data we have in nearly every vertical, we are able to come up with a specific budget for your business.  When you are buying marketing, every business has a very unique budget.  It is never a good idea to buy based on a fixed bundled package.

Optimization around conversion -- pay per click advertising -- Most people assume if I am getting a lot of clicks/visitors than I am doing a great job. If we are not tracking to see what the click is actually doing then the click is just costing your business money. It is more important to use a tool that is geared toward optimizing around phone calls and form submissions.  By tracking data, our software will figure out where on the page you will need to show up to generate the most amount of phone calls for the least amount of money.  We are constantly doing a cost benefit analysis on page position vs. keyword costs vs. amount of total phone calls vs. which publisher they are coming from.  This is why using an automated software platform, we are able to allocate your budget towards purchase related words that are driving you the most amount of business.  If we need to make budget adjustments I will be able to see that from our software and advise accordingly. 

Remarketing Display ads: An important factor to consider is -- what are we doing to get back in front of the people that came to your website and have left?  On this same thought, what about the possibility of shortening the sales cycle from the point and time someone visits your site to them actually doing business with you.  By using remarketing, we will be able to serve an ad to people as they are surfing on the internet 3-5 times a day during their daily web activity.   Here is a video explaining Remarketing ReachRemarketing.

Detailed Reporting: Our platform allows you to log in from any device.  You can check the success of your campaign and qualify leads right from the palm of your hand on our mobile app.  In our platform you will be able to see the total amount of contacts you are getting to your website.  This gives you the opportunity to listen to your inbound calls and quantify the value of a customer.

Chat: We will have a chat agent monitoring your website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Their sole goal is to get an email address, phone number and a name so the office can call them back.  Additionally, they can connect live calls during office hours. This will help increase your overall visitors to people reaching out to become customers.  When someone is spending a significant amount of money driving traffic to a website and branding their business, it is important to do whatever you can to increase the odds of someone contacting your business.  This is along the same principles of having a phone number, web form and email address prominently located on your website.  

Website Design, Marketing Automation and Lead Management software – How many leads are you missing out on a daily/weekly/monthly basis due to improper lead follow up? With our marketing automation we can send out emails to all of your various prospects in the different stages of the buying funnel.  Why just care about visitors?  Let’s focus more on total customer acquisition. By looking at marketing math we can see there is natural attrition in the number of website visits converting to contacts, then leads and finally customers.  Using our Software as a Service (SaaS) platform we will be setting up workflows and reminders that will automatically follow up with your leads.  This way you can stay in front of contacts until they become customers. Additionally, these websites are completely mobile-friendly and responsive so no matter the device the user will always have a good experience. 

To learn more about Socially Yours' new partner & the new programs available contact Michelle at Michelle@SociallyYoursMedia.Com

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