Saturday, April 26, 2014

Promoting and Personality!

Fortunately for businesses across the world, social media has provided businesses with multiple channels to market themselves FOR FREE.  Not only does it cost these businesses little, but so many people use social media daily so it is an excellent way to reach the maximum number of people.  Now that businesses have this tool, the trick is knowing how to use it in the most effective manner.
            Naturally, businesses would go immediately towards promoting their businesses on social media.  It is smart to do that and absolutely helpful.  But if you only promote your business, your followers only get a feel for what you are selling, not who you are.  You want to keep your followers entertained and allow them to get a feel for your personality as well.  Not every post or picture has to be tied to your business.  Throw in some quotes, funny anecdotes, or even things you like such as recipes or pictures.  You can certainly draw your audience in by advertising what your business does, but you can hold your audience’s attention by allowing them to get a sense of who you are on a more personal and unprofessional note.  Remembering the 2 P’s when marketing on social media is so important: Promoting and Personality!

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