Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What the hash tag!?

Why Social Media for business?

What the hash tag!? @ YOU! Social media gives your business a voice- a voice that is current and relevant to our global economy. To remain competitive in the market social media is absolutely necessary.

The beauty and genius of social media is how connected it has made the world. 

Your best friend from college feels like they are
5 minutes away even if they
live 5,000 miles away.

It continues to bring people and businesses together while at the same time making it feel like the relationship with your customer is happening on a one-on-one level.

Social Media is fastest communication available with a network of users in the billions. You have no time to waste because every second of every day you wait your business could be reaching exponentially further.

The Truth…

“73% of Fortune 500 companies were active on Twitter, while more than 80% of executives believed that social media engagement led to increased sales”

“Harvard Business Review surveyed 2,100 companies and found that 79% use or plan to use social media. But a mere 12% of those firms felt they were using social media effectively.”
-Harvard Business Review

·     If Facebook were a country it would be the third largest.
·     5 new Facebook profiles are created every second.
·     Marketing activities that would cost thousands through other channels can be used on Facebook for a fraction of the cost.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Share your Passion

“Don’t worry about what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~Howard Thurman

Think for moment, why did you start your business. It most likely was your passion that pushed you to do it.

So what is PASSION any way-
Passion is an intense emotion compelling, enthusiasm, or desire for anything. The term is also often applied to a lively or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal, cause, or activity or love – to a feeling of unusual excitement, enthusiasm or compelling emotion, a positive affinity or love, towards a subject.

In order to market your business effectively with social media you must harness that passion and let it shine through. Your customers/clients will engage more with your posts/tweets if they can feel your passion.

What is it about your business that sets a fire inside you? Harness that and share it!

Monday, March 3, 2014

A Facebook Page vs. A Facebook Profile

I am often explaining the difference between a Facebook Page vs. a Facebook Profile to clients or potential clients. I am still surprised when I learn of a business still using a profile for their business. 
Understanding the difference is extremely important. Businesses are only allowed to open pages NOT profile. A business which opens a profile page is in direct violation of Facebook guidelines. Facebook often shuts down profiles that are being used to promote a business.

A Facebook Page:
   Visible to everyone
   Have a like button, there is no time delay while accepting a friend request
    Public so anyone can read and follow your posts
   You can install apps and tabs on your Page
   You can run ads for your Page
   You can run contests and promotions
   You have Facebook Page Insights which helps you see how your Page is performing
   You can add offers in which your fans can receive discounts to your business
   You can promote a post so that more people see it
   You can schedule your posts 

A Facebook Profile:

Facebook profiles are for personal use, not for business. This is where you share pictures of your kids and connect with your family and friends. It’s okay to network with people using your personal profile, but you can’t conduct business. Remember that personal profiles represent individual people and must be held under your individual name.
This is from a section on Facebooks official policy (on difference between profile and pages):
Facebook profiles are meant to represent a single individual. Organizations of any type are not permitted to maintain an account under the name of their organization. We have created Facebook Pages to allow organizations to have a presence on Facebook. These Pages are distinct presences, separate from user profiles, and optimized for an organization’s needs to communicate, distribute information/content, engage their fans, and capture new audiences virally through their fan’s recommendations to their friends. Facebook Pages are designed to be a media rich, valuable presence for any artist, business or brand.
If you create a profile for your business, your account may be disabled for violating our Terms of Use. If you have questions about how to best leverage your Facebook Page, please check out ourInsider’s Guide or FAQ.

However I do recommend that you set up a second profile page that you use to market yourself as a business owner and direct people to your business page.

 Business Page:

Business Profile:

Personal Profile: (Aren't my babies cute!!!)

Socially Yours, 
Michelle Marie